Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To More You Know: Don't forget the FREE Stuff!!!

Autodesk Labs

Autodesk Labs provides free technology they are currently testing, not to be mistaken for beta testing.  They are relevant tools to the industry, and they look for feedback from clients to verify whether or not the tools would be good for to put out or add to existing software products, like Revit.  Project Vasari and Photofly both are on the site, and functionality from Project Vasari have been added to the Revit platform because of feedback and excitement.  

Autodesk Seek

Autodesk Seek was created to share Manufacturer specific content created in Revit to the AEC community.  Free to the AEC community, many clients have benefit from using the Revit Families up on this site.  Each Revit platform has a direct link to Autodesk Seek.  There are guidelines and technical requirements for Manufacturers.

Green Building Studio

Green Building Studio is a web-based program that comes free for clients on subscription using any of the Revit platforms or Ecotect (there may be others, but those are the ones I am familiar with). 

This program is a whole building analysis software that assists in qualification for LEED 8.1 Daylighting credit, water usage and cost, Energy Star scoring, natural ventilation potential, carbon emission reporting and more. 

Revit Extensions

All three Revit platforms have extensions available.  I find those for Revit Structure to have the most extensions that will provide an immense amount of efficiency for the client.  The Reinforcement Extension alone will help any client looking to model the rebar in more than one element at a time.  The Wood Framing extension (also beneficial for Revit Architecture), Freeze View extension, and many more are fantastic!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The More You Know: BIMAssist for Revit

Many people are familiar with the extensions for Revit from Autodesk.  For Revit Architecture, Revit MEP and Revit Structure, they have been available since June 20, 2011.  If you have not downloaded them already, I hightly recommend you do, as many of them will help you considerably. 

In additon to the extensions for Revit from Autodesk, several channel partners have also created add on tools.  Advanced Solutions has the BIMAssist Tools, available FREE to our Revit Subscription clients.  The utilities include the following:
  • Case Update
  • Door Mark Manger
  • Fire Rating Coordinator
  • Match Instance Parameters Feeatures
  • Note Block Creator
  • Room Phase Replicator
  • Room Renumber
  • Room Surface Parameter Extractor
  • Sheet Number Update
  • Space Synchronizer
  • Text Find and Replace Features
There is a short video for each utility, or you can find them on our YouTube site.  In August, we will have two webcasts during which ASI Application Engineer Brenda Thomas will demonstrate each of the twelve productivity enhancing utilities of BIMAssist™ for Revit®.

Optimize Your Productivity with BIMAssist for Revit on Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Optimize Your Productivity with BIMAssist for Revit on Wednesday, August 10, 2011

About Advanced Solutions, Inc.
Advanced Solutions, Inc. is an award-winning Autodesk Gold Partner in Manufacturing, Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Authorized Autodesk Training Center (ATC) and Authorized Autodesk Consulting Services Partner (CSP). For more than 24 years, the company has focused its business model on helping customers realize industry-leading return on investment with their 2D and 3D design software. Beyond the box of software, Advanced Solutions helps customers gain a competitive advantage through innovative design software work flows, enabling customers to realize higher revenues and improving their operational efficiency. For additional information about Advanced Solutions, Inc., please visit our website at

Autodesk, AutoCAD, Civil 3D and ATC are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

eTransmit is Now Available on Autodesk Labs!

As some of you are familiar, Autodesk Labs is a free website Autodesk created to explore and develop technology for you, the user of Autodesk software:

Recently, they have made eTransmit for Revit available, allowing you to:

1) Copy and detach a Revit model and associated files to a single folder for internet transmission. T

2) Locate dependent files automatically and include them in the transmittal folder, reducing the possibility of error.

3) Choose to include related dependent files such as linked Revit models, CAD files, DWF markups, decal images, and external keynote files.

4) Transmit models that are using file-based worksharing or server-based worksharing.

Learn more at:

Remember, this technology preview will only be available until December 31, 2011!